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Meet Our Team Of Publicity Pros

Meet Our Professionals

We deliver true results, focusing on strategic decisions and practical actions tailored to our clients’ unique needs. 

All the great work you have done for us over the last couple of years sure makes me look like a STAR!

Vitamin Manufacturer

The PR Group’s team is a comprehensive and efficient vehicle for successful promotion of a product line. I strongly recommend them.

Natural Products Distributor

Don’t know if I ever truly acknowledged you for the wonderful work. Thank you, dear friends!

Musician / Songwriter

Student Internships

Every year we accept several internship applications from Public Relations, Marketing or Mass Communications students. We’ve trained students from all of the nearby colleges and Universities over the years. We do our best to provide career building experience for our interns. If you would like to apply for one of our internship positions, please email us at:

Freelance Writers

Are you an experienced press writer looking for more writing assignments?  Contact our creative department at: GreatInterviews(at)

public relations agency